
Body Nutrition Injectable Anabolic Steroid Proviron/Mesterolone Anti Estrogen Supplements

Body Nutrition Injectable Anabolic Steroid Proviron/Mesterolone Anti Estrogen Supplements 1 . Basic Info: Proviron/Mesterolon CAS No: 1...


99% White Prohormone Steroids 19-Norandrostenedione DHEA CAS 734-32-7 For A Stimulation Of Healthy The Weight Lossing

 99% White Prohormone Steroids 19-Norandrostenedione DHEA CAS 734-32-7 For A Stimulation Of  Healthy  The Weight Lossing

Contact Info:


Email: bryan@pharm-china.com


Basic View :


· Alias :19-Norandrostenedione,19-Nor-4-androstenedione,19-Norandrost-4-ene-3,17-dione

· CAS NO : 734-32-7

· EINECS : 211-995-8

· MF : C18H24O2

· MW : 272.38

· Appearance : White powder

· Grade : Pharmaceutical Grade

· Storage : Shading, confined preservation

· Manufacturer : Yi Jing

· USage : 9-Norandrostenedione (4-estrene-3,17-dione, NOR) is a precursor of the anabolic steroid nandrolone.


1. Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA, more correctly didehydroepiandrosterone), also known as androstenolone or prasterone (INN), as well as 3-hydroxyandrost-5-en-17-one or 5-androsten-3-ol-17-one, is an important endogenous steroid hormone. It is the most abundant circulating steroid hormone in humans, in whom it is produced in the adrenal glands, the gonads, and the brain, where it functions predominantly as a metabolic intermediate in the biosynthesis of the androgen and estrogen sex steroids. However, DHEA also has a variety of potential biological effects in its own right, binding to an array of nuclear and cell surface receptors, and acting as a neurosteroid.

2.2.19-Norandrostenedione (4-estrene-3,17-dione, NOR) is a precursor of the anabolic steroid nandrolone. Until 2005 19-Norandrostenedione was available without prescription in United States, where it was marketed as a prohormone, but it is now classified as a Schedule III drug. It is also banned from use in many sports, including the Olympic Games, under the World Anti-Doping Code. 19-Norandrostenedione is readily metabolized to nandrolone after oral administration, but its potency to transactivate the androgen receptor dependent reporter gene expression is 10 times lower as compared to dihydrotestosterone (DHT).


In vivo experiments in castrated rats demonstrated that subcutaneous treatment with 19-norandrostenedione resulted only in a stimulation of the weight of the levator ani muscle, while the prostate and seminal vesicle weights remained completely unaffected. In contrast to its metabolite nandrolone, 19-norandrostenedione highly selectively stimulates the growth of the skeletal muscles but has only weak androgenic properties.

Epistane / Methyl E CAS 4267-80-5 Muscle Building Prohormone Steroids

Muscle Building Prohormone Steroids Powder Epistane / Methyl E CAS 4267-80-5 

Contact Info:


Email: bryan@pharm-china.com


Basic View:

Product name: Epistane

Alias:2a,3a-Epithio-17a-Methyl-5a-androstan-17b-ol;Androstan-17-ol, 2,3-epithio-17-methyl-, (2a,3a,5a,17b)-
ProductCategories:Intermediates&FineChemicals;Pharmaceuticals;Steroids;Sulfr & Selenium 
Assay: 98%
CAS: 4267-80-5; 14267-80-5
Appearance: White powder
Package: foil bag
M.F.: C20H32OS
M.P.: 168-169°C
Usage: Epistane is a methylated derivative of the steroid epitiostanol (E588800). Epistane is a readily orally active compound that lacks the 3-ketone common to most anabolic steroids. Epistane greatly incr eases protein synthesis and build up in lean muscle mass.

Product Description:

1. Epistane, exhibits a strong, long lasting anti-estrogen effect that is organ tissue specific. This means it works only where you want it to work. Broad range estrogen blockers and aromatase inhibitors can result in system shut down, aching joints, and decreased IGF-I expression. Epistane binds specifically to the 17-estradiol receptor protein in the target tissues. Because of its long lasting and strong effects on specific tissue, Epistane can significantly reduce and reverse the effects of gynocomastia because not only does Epistane specifically block estrogen in breast tissue but it induces an estrogen-depleted condition which leads to apoptosis or the death of the breast tissue cells. Studies show that small doses of the parent compound, Epitiostanol, at just 10-20mg/week showed a complete disappearance of the mass and pain in 25% of the male patients in the clinical trail, while the other 75% of the patients showed at least a 50% reduction in the mass and complete loss of pain in just 4-8 weeks. Thats results in 100% of the male users with no side effects.

2. Epistane is more than an anti-estrogen, though, as it also binds to androgen receptors in skeletal muscle. As a PRO-Anabolic compound Epistane promotes increases in strength and lean body mass with an anabolic/androgenic value (Q ratio) of 12. With most powerful androgens there is a high risk of the natural suppression of the gonads. Epistane, unlike other PRO-Anabolic compounds that have recently been released, is relatively mild on the gonads and, due to the anti-estrogenic effects and the fact that Epistane keeps LH levels elevated, post cycle therapy becomes a breeze. All effects combined make Epistane a great compound to produce dry, lean gains in muscle mass with minimal side effects and suppression of the bodys natural androgen production, while lowering the effects of natural estrogen or combating estrogen from endogenous/exogenous sources. This makes it a powerful tool when combined with wet compounds in attempt to increase gains and decrease side effects. One can also not overlook the potential benefit of this compound taken alone, especially when recovering from periods of wet compounds.

Prohormones series


Muscle Driven Injectable Anabolic Steroids Testosterone Undecanoate 300mg / ml Andriol Injection

Muscle Driven Injectable Anabolic Steroids Testosterone Undecanoate 300mg / ml Andriol Injection

Contact Info(add Bryan for 10g free sample):


whatsapp_ 8618918454969


1 . Basic View:

Testosterone Undecanoate
CAS No.: 5949-44-0
M.F: C30H48O3
M.W: 456.7
Purity: 99.5%
Appearance:Light yellow solution
Storage: Testosterone undecanoate is stored between 15 C to 30 C (59 F to 86 F), in original cartons until use.

2 . Product Introduction:

Testosterone undecanoate is a long-acting man-made version of testosterone, the natural male sexual hormone. Testosterone is responsible for the normal growth and development of male sex organs and characteristics. It includes growth and development of male organs of penis, testicles, prostate, body hair, vocal cord thickening, and muscle and fat distribution. The FDA approved testosterone undecanoate in March 2014.

3 . Testosterone Undecanoate Recipe:

Let’s together make testosterone undecanoate injections.If my customers want to get 50 vials testosterone undecanoate 300,that means the concentration is 300mg/ml and the specification is 10ml/vial.If so,he need to prepare 150g testosterone undecanoate powder to make 500ml liquid.At the same time,we need to use BB,BA,grape seed oil to dissolve powder by using chemical equipments.After totally dissolving it,you need to filter it and inject by whatman syringe.

4 . Testosterone Undecanoate Functions:

Testosterone undecanoate or testosterone undecylate is an ester of testosterone which is used for the treatment of male hypogonadism, and is currently under research for use as a male contraceptive, testosterone undecanoate is sold and distributed under the brand names Andriol, understor, nebido, pantestone, restandol.

Andriol is a version of the anabolic steroid testosterone undecanoatedeveloped by the pharmaceutical company organon, testosterone is said to enter the body as a fat through the lymphatic system, experience from user indicates that in dose of less than 240mg per day, effects are negligible, except at every onset of use, while even in higher dose, effects are still minimal, testosterone undecanoate is therefor thought that most of the steroid is somehow not making it into the blood stream.

5 . Use Dosage:

Males over 18 years of age: The recommended dose of testosterone undecanoate is 750 mg (3 ml) intramuscularly; followed by 750 mg (3 ml) intramuscularly after 4 weeks, then 750 mg (3 ml) intramuscularly every 10 weeks thereafter.

Increase Muscle Anabolic Steroid Testosterone Phenylpropionate Body Supplement

Increase Muscle Anabolic Steroid Testosterone Phenylpropionate Body Supplement 

Contact Info(add Bryan for 10g free sample):


whatsapp_ 8618918454969


1 . Basic View:

Testosterone Phenylpropionate
Synonyms: Retandrol; 17b-hydroxyandrost-4-en-3-one 3-phenylpropionate
CAS No: 1255-49-8
Purity: 99.5%
MF: C28H36O3
MW: 420.59
EINECS: 215-014-4
Usage: Testolent will give the user more mass to the muscle, burn fat in the body, enhance libido, increase immunity and increase energy.

2 . Product Profile:

Testosterone is a hormone produced predominantly in the testes of males. It is responsible for nearly all of the sexual traits in males. This specific version is Testosterone with the Phenylpropionate ester attached.

Testosterone Phenylpropionate has an active life of 4-5 day. Release time-wise, it is directly in the middle of the Propionate (short) and Cypionate (long) versions of Testosterone. It is recommended to inject Testosterone Phenylpropionate two times per week, although many prefer every third day.

3 . Testosterone Phenylpropionate Recipe:

Let’s together make testosterone phenylpropionate injections.If my customers want to get 50 vials testosterone phenylpropionate 200,that means the concentration is 250mg/ml and the specification is 10ml/vial.If so,he need to prepare 125g testosterone phenylpropionate powder to make 500ml liquid.At the same time,we need to use BB,BA,grape seed oil to dissolve powder by using chemical equipments.After totally dissolving it,you need to filter it and inject by whatman syringe.

4 . Testosterone Phenylpropionate Function:

Testosterone Phenylpropionate plays a key role in the development of male reproductive tissue such as the testis and prostates. In addition, testosterone cypionate is essential for health and well-being as well as the prevention of osteoporosis, testosterone Phenylpropionate is conserved through most vertebrates, although fish make a slightly difference from called 11-ketotestosterone

5 . My Customers’ Feedback:

I recently had the opportunity to try Testosterone Phenylpropionate in one of my cycles. I think that the primary advantage of this stuff is that underground manufacturers are not scared to dose it at 200 mg/ml, unlike other short esters like propionate…where 100 mg/ml is the typical dose.

I was using it at 200 mg every other day, and found that was enough to raise my testosterone levels to roughly 1.5x the high end of normal.

My gains on Testosterone Phenylpropionate were typical of any kind of testosterone I have ever used (regardless of ester) although the water retention was similar to propionate.

Legit Gear Injectable Anabolic Steroid Testosterone Propionate Body Health Fitness

Legit Gear Injectable Anabolic Steroid Testosterone Propionate Body Health Fitness

Contact Info(add Bryan for 10g free sample):


whatsapp_ 8618918454969


1 . Basic View:

Testosterone Propionate
Alias:Testoviron;Sterandryl;Agovirin;Testosteron;Test Prop
CAS No:57-85-2
Usage:Testosterone propionate is therefore much faster acting than other testosterone esters such as cypionate or enanthate, and requires a much more frequent dosing schedule, in order to maintain stable blood levels.

2 . Product Introduction:

(1)Testosterone Propionate is a single ester testosterone compound and represents one of the most important testosterone compounds every manufactured. When synthetic testosterone was first created it was in its pure form. 

(2)Simply put there was no ester attached, thereby providing a fast acting compound that would necessarily require a very frequent administration schedule. In 1937 the pharmaceutical giant Schering out of Germany would release the first ester base testosterone in Testosterone Propionate under the trade name Testoviron. The same trade name it would eventually give to its Testosterone Enanthate product. 

(3)By attaching the Propionate ester to the hormone, this would allow for the hormone’s release time to be controlled and provided a more efficient means in maintaining stable blood levels. Although this was not the first synthetic testosterone preparation created, 

(4)Testosterone Propionate would become the first commercially available testosterone product. It would also dominate the medical community until the 1960’s and much of the newly born performance enhancing community.

3 . Testosterone Propionate Recipe:

Let’s together make testosterone propionate injections.If my customers want to get 50 vials testosterone propionate 200,that means the concentration is 200mg/ml and the specification is 10ml/vial.If so,he need to prepare 100g testosterone propionate powder to make 500ml liquid.At the same time,we need to use BB,BA,grape seed oil to dissolve powder by using chemical equipments.After totally dissolving it,you need to filter it and inject by whatman syringe.

4 . Testosterone Propionate Function:

Testosterone Propionate is a pure testosterone hormone. Although synthetic it is a perfect replica of the primary naturally produced male androgen testosterone. By design, the hormone is attached to the Propionate (propionic acid) ester, a small/short ester that enables the hormone’s release time to be controlled. Without an ester, the hormone would disperse and dissipate rapidly post administration. By attaching the ester, this promotes a controlled release and allows the individual to inject the hormone less frequently. 

Legit Gear Injectable Anabolic Steroid Trenbolone Acetate / Finaplix / Revalor-H Injection Muscle Growth

Legit Gear Injectable Anabolic Steroid Trenbolone Acetate / Finaplix  / Revalor-H Injection Muscle Growth

Contact Info(add Bryan for 10g free sample):


whatsapp_ 8618918454969


1 . Basic Info:

Trenbolone Acetate
Alias: Revalor-H; Finaplix, trienboloneacetate
CAS No: 10161-34-9
Purity: 99.5%
MF: C20H24O3
MW: 312.41
Einecs: 233-432-5

Appearance: Yellow liquid
Usage: Trenbolone Acetate can be used as pharmaceutical material. Its main function is to Promote metabolism. Anabolic effects include growth of muscle mass and strength, increased bone density and strength, and stimulation of linear growth and bone maturation 

2 . Product Introduction:

Trenbolone exhibits interesting stacking behavior. Combination with either Dianabol or Anadrol gives a very strong synergistic effect. Even if the same total milligram amount of steroid is used per week, results are much better with such a combination than with any of these steroids used alone.

For example, 50 mg/day of trenbolone acetate used with 50 mg/day Dianabol gives much better results in a steroid cycle than either 100 mg/day TA used alone, or that amount of Dianabol used alone. I wouldn’t recommend either of those single-drug usages for a steroid cycle, but the trenbolone/Dianabol stack has produced amazing physique changes in very many instances.

3 . Trenbolone Acetate Recipe:

Let’s together make trenbolone acetate injections.If my customers want to get 50 vials trenbolone acetate 200,that means the concentration is 200mg/ml and the specification is 10ml/vial.If so,he need to prepare 100g trenbolone acetate powder to make 500ml liquid.At the same time,we need to use BB,BA,grape seed oil to dissolve powder by using chemical equipments.After totally dissolving it,you need to filter it and inject by whatman syringe.

4 . Trenbolone Acetate Dosage:

Trenbolone acetate is usually used at doses of 35-150 mg/day, and more typically 50-100 mg/day. The 35 mg figure generally is appropriate only when having high personal sensitivity to trenbolone-specific side effects. 

As for the higher 150 mg/figure, this generally is used for the purpose of increased nervous system stimulation compared to 100 mg/day rather than for further mass or strength improvements, which are already maximized or very nearly maximized at 100 mg/day.

Most users find 50-75 mg/day to be an ideal dosage range, giving excellent benefit as part of an anabolic steroid stack.

5 . Trenbolone Acetate Importance:

Trenbolone Acetate ester is very fast acting. Therefore, bodybuilders choosing to use this substance often find that daily injections are best for keep blood levels as consistent as possible. Simply put, trenbolone is the most powerful overall steroid in use by bodybuilders today. 

6 . The Difference Between Trenbolone Acetate And Trenbolone Enanthate:

In contrast, trenbolone enanthate’s percentage of active steroid is nearly 20% lower. For this reason, weekly total dosing for trenbolone enanthate is a little higher than for the acetate. For the enanthate, weekly total dosing is typically 300-800 mg.

Unlike trenbolone acetate which has a half-life of only about 1 day and therefore should be injected daily, trenbolone enanthate is typically injected 2-4 times per week. The half life is probably about 5 days.